Sky's Origin Story


Schuyler the Inspirer


***Before I get started, I would like to advise children under the age of 18 and anyone sensitive to graphic material to avoid reading this blog post. This blog post contains triggering material that may be upsetting to some. ***

My story is an ugly one. I write that with love and compassion for myself, but sometimes my past catches even me off guard. I was your typical latchkey kid, where my parents tried to protect me from the monsters outside the home but forgot about the ones inside the closet and under the bed. I am a survivor of some egregious wrongdoings. Sexual perversion has haunted my family for generations. My family says the abuse runs in our family, but I say it ran into our family until it ran into me.

I left my childhood home on Father’s Day, two months after I was violently raped. From there, I thought I was going crazy as my spiritual gifts started to rise to the surface. I started hearing voices, seeing people, having prophetic dreams, astral projecting, lucid dreaming, accurately predicting the future, accurately describing the past, and accurately knowing what someone else was feeling and thinking, and felt as if I was going through puberty all over again because I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin. My clairvoyance came in with a vengeance, and my conservative, Christian, homeschool environment wanted nothing to do with my urgent questions.

From there, you might think this is where I became a shaman and led myself out of the darkness. No, this is the part where I felt even more lost and tried to take my own life. I felt as though I had no support, I had lost my mind, and I had lost the only family, reality, and familiarity I had ever known. I felt completely, utterly alone. I felt hopeless. I prayed a final prayer and made peace with my decision. Then, as I sat in my car, a divine presence came over me and I felt the full force of adrenaline take over my body and lead me, racing, across the street to my neighbor’s driveway. I had not a clue what I was doing until I saw her.

My neighbor was moving, and because of the steep incline of her driveway, she did not see her toddler, thoughtlessly leaning against the back of her F150 tires. If I had been a moment too late, this poor mother would have accidentally run over her own child. I scooped up the daughter and speechlessly ran to the yard to where the mother in the driver’s seat could see me. She began swearing at me, thinking her dog had got out again while she was moving, and then once she saw her daughter in my arms, she began to weep and thank me.

A few years later, as prophecy foretells, if you are meant to be a shaman, a shaman will find you. A shaman found me and began mentoring me in the shamanic practice. I studied under her as well as another strong, spiritual woman who has psychic abilities. After a year, more and more spiritually gifted women began entering my life to mentor me in the ways of spiritual healing. I was exposed to the Akashic records, the world tree, the world of angels and demons, my higher self, my shadow self, my inner child, and my inner teenager. Through this rapid ascension, I began to harness my own spiritual gifts and abilities and serve others. I have physically healed others. I have held space for others as they have needed to process intense grief. I have performed cord cuttings on toxic, abusive relationships and set survivors free. I have accurately predicted the genders of unborn babies and accurately told the zodiac sun, moon, or rising signs of strangers.

Despite my spiritual practice, gifts, and abilities, I continue to be rejected by close-minded individuals for my healing nature. I am seen as a witch, someone who consorts with the devil, and someone who channels the demonic. Christians and Catholics seem to be afraid of me. There is little to nothing that I can do to change their mind or ask them to see me another way. Unfortunately, the church and religious organizations have already brainwashed them to the point where they cannot think rationally about spiritual things, and react to me intensely and emotionally. This makes me as uncomfortable as it makes you, and I would rather avoid these encounters altogether. It is not my desire to upset anyone. I only desire to help facilitate healing and operate as a hallway to a spiritual, holy, and divine dimension.

I will continue to speak out against the church and organized religion, not because I think it’s evil or that religious folks are bad, but because I see how much they suffer in their ignorance. As far as I’m concerned, organized religion was made by the patriarchy to control women and it’s working. I will no longer participate in something that has caused me pain and pain in every woman I have encountered. We are all touched by the poison of the Mother Wound, the Witch’s Wound, and the Sister Wound. It is in our blood. And that’s why I’m here, to help shift us out of this pain into empowered empathy and spiritual recovery.

Women are taking back the church. Women are reclaiming witchcraft.

If that resonates with you, reach out to me. Let’s connect. Even if you decide not to schedule an appointment with me, I would like to connect with you as a member of your spiritual community for the benefit and empowerment of all involved.


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