Ghost Stories

Monsters Protecting You by Schuyler Esen

“Screaming, sobbing, tears streaming 

Eyes dry with stress, wet with sleep 

Sitting straight under her past dreaming 

Unaware of the moment, only the deep 

Darkness vast consuming 

Silence, she blinked back the stun 

Of her realizing in the room being 

Another presence, not just one 

"Who are you?!" She croaked 

But the blackness ne'er did reply 

Trembling, covers shaking, she choaked 

"Who are you?!" beginning to cry 

Out of the inky thickness, a drift 

Descending from the ceiling and curtains

Wisping it's way down, cold and swift 

Twisting, looping like a serpent 

Snaking toward her face in the ebony 

It whispered near her ears 

While she was paralyzed so helplessly 

It hissed, "I  am  your  fear."

Startled, immobile in the murkiness of night 

Terrified, but resisting the silence afore

"You visit me in my dreams." She replied 

The smoke continued to circle, create more 

And filled the entire space with its touch 

Traveling around her head, it's aura 

Not physical, but felt just as much 

In that moment releasing Pandora 

Upon the girl's mind, and yet she knew 

That in order to regain peace 

A conversation would have to ensue 

So she summoned her strength to increase 

"Why do you wake me, when I sleep so sound?" 

She held her breath as the breath replied 

"So  you  may  live." Its voice all around 

"There  are  forces  much  greater  than  I"

"What forces are there? Why can't I sleep?" 

Violently quaking from her whole endeavor 

But the phantom continued its pivoting creep 

"Without  me,  child,  you  would  sleep  forever"

"What does that mean? Do you protect me?" 

"I  protect  no  one" it hissed.

The girl began to weep over this taxing inquiry

"Then shall I forever be sleepless?" 

Pausing, the voice murmured aloud, 

"When greater darkness pulls you into itself 

I am the force, your fear, that pulls you back out" 

The presence gone, the girl questioned herself 

Perplexed, but somehow at ease

She lay her head on its cradle 

Better understanding night has no guarantees 

But maybe it doesn't have to be that stable”

Shift by Schuyler Esen

“Something inside me shifted, and I felt the scritch-scratch of nails climbing up my rib cage. A hush fell over the room as the lights flickered. I held my breath, terrified, and felt the pounding of my heart thumping behind my eyes. Everything was still. The stiffness was palpable. I waited for the moment to pass, and then inhaled slowly-silently- and felt another presence breathe in with me. 

My throat was hoarse. My fingers were cold. My chest rose and fell in time with another’s lungs, lungs that were beneath mine but not my own. I lay there, as lifeless as ice. 

My mind began racing, trying to grasp in the dimming shadows what was reality, and what was possibility.

My voice finally broke, “What are you?”

Deep in my chest, an utterance replied, ‘Hiding.’

Paralyzed, I lay there with the voice, feeling it breathe. Every blood cell in my body seemed to freeze, colder and colder with each passing moment–fear siphoning the life out of my veins.

The ice in my throat shattered, ‘Where did you come from?’

We lay there, in the room, in the dark, in the ice. Breathing together, lifeless in the horror that crippled us both.

Finally, it whispered back, 




D is for Dragon


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