9 Things You Should Know About Defeating The Parasite

I'm starting a new thought series on “The Parasite”. I originally learned of this concept through the Shamanic teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz and his sons. You might recognize that name as the author of The Four Agreements.

Let’s cover 9 things you should know about defeating The Parasite:


In monotheistic doctrine, evil is synonymous with some of the following names:

  • the devil

  • demons

  • Satan

  • Lucifer

  • Iblis/Eblīs

  • Azazel/Azāzīl etc...

In paganism or pantheistic beliefs, the devil is considered to be as real as Santa Claus.

However, as a pagan, I disagree with this research I've found, probably because I was raised Christian and have a very real fear of the devil. I've also experienced such horrific trauma that I need the existence of the devil to be real to have someone to blame.

Additionally, I know there are existing occultist groups that worship some of the pagan demons or Babylonian Gods of the Old Testament. It is possible that they are secret societies or entirely fictitious groups made up to scare Christians. I’ve heard conspiracies online that say some occultist groups are trying to resurrect the “old gods” from Babylon like Marduk, Moloch, Baal, and more than 13 others. Regardless, this ancient flavor of paganism leads to child sacrifices and self-harm, and I consider that to be evil and demonic.

As we begin this thought series, I would love to hear from you. Please discuss in the comments what you think and feel about what I've written and researched. This helps me get in touch with my community (you) and ultimately makes me a more well-rounded Shaman. Thank you!


So, who or what is The Parasite? The Parasite is said to live within our mind but some consider it to be an entity outside of our mind.

  • What do you think?

According to The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, The Parasite is responsible for our intrusive thoughts and feeds off our fear.

If this is the case, The Parasite can be blamed for our self-doubt and the majority of the chaos and destruction in the world. As fear continues to be ever-present in the minds of humanity, we are distracted and provoked to react because we feel threatened.

Our reactions to daily stress differ wildly from the aforementioned example when we are grounded and centered with an energy of love and rationale.

  • How different might society be if we minimized fear-mongering?


The Parasite desires for you to feel small. It tells you that you are not worthy. The Parasite desires for you to serve it through Fear.

We can all recall situations of hysteria where we or someone we knew gave in completely to fear.

  • Did these experiences make you feel closer or further away from the divine or Source God?

  • Did you feel enlightened?

  • Did you feel out of control?

When we give in to fear, we have forgotten our place in the universe. It is the power of our mind that gives rise to technology, medicine, science, government, law, education, and entertainment. We create these things. They did not exist before us and they would not exist without us.

Nature and humankind are part of the same life force. We are part of this incredible display of artistry and symbiosis. The Parasite desires to separate you from your birth right as a divine creator by attacking your thoughts.


Now that you are familiar with the Shamanic concept of The Parasite, first explained by Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, let's cover three weapons we have at our disposal.

  1. Our first weapon against The Parasite is simple and effective. It is our intuition.

  2. Our second weapon against The Parasite is far more powerful than the first. The second weapon is Love!

  3. Our third weapon against The Parasite is miraculous–Source God or Creator God.


Our first weapon against The Parasite is simple and effective. It is our intuition. With practice, you can access Divine Intuition to level up yourself, as if you were a character in a video game. Think of Divine Intuition as a power-up in Mario Cart. You get to go faster, with more accuracy and impact.

  • What are some ways you can attune with your intuition?

For me, I enjoy my career path as a Shaman and Metaphysical Practitioner. Most of my services for others are intuitive performances. Not to scare you, but I act as a conduit or a hallway to the Source Creator. My Divine Intuition has been heightened, strengthened, and deepened through these opportunities to serve others.

  • How do you use your intuition? What is the difference between Intuition and Social Programming?

#6 | LOVE

Our second weapon against The Parasite is far more powerful than the first. The second weapon is Love! Children easily grasp the concept of love. They are born already connected to and filled with love. Infants require love from their parents to survive. Without love, they would die.

However, as adults, sometimes it can be harder to use the power of Love.

  • Why do you think this is?

Is it perhaps that as we grow, so does The Parasite? As we grow stronger and smarter, so does The Parasite.

Don’t worry, The Parasite is only as strong as you think it is. And your decision and commitment to respond in love is more powerful than you think it is.

It would be nice if our love was enough every time, but sometimes that is not the case. For example, I recently had a falling out with a loved one. I did my best to center myself with love but our relationship still ended. Now, the point of this example is what has happened since our falling out. Rather than grieve over the loss of our relationship, this person has consistently tried to attack me with gossip. Hearing about this, I was presented with another opportunity—would I respond in fear, or would I respond in love? I chose to respond in love. Whatever happens after this, is none of my business. I have peace about my decision because I was acting with love to the best of my ability the entire time this Tower Moment occurred.

  • How does love vs fear drive the competition to rule the mind?


Our third weapon against The Parasite is miraculous–Source God or Creator God. I do not personally know the infinite wonders of what Source is capable of, but I have seen Source work in my life and in the lives of others. I could give numerous examples from my time spent in church, but I would prefer to focus on more recent situations outside of the church.

  • I was walking about the Liberty Center Mall when I spotted a new store on the corner with a giant fox on it.

    • Foxes had become very significant to me at this point, and I was noticing them often.

  • I darted inside and found myself surrounded by crystals.

    • just what I needed.

  • Not only that, but the two lovely women inside told me that they were looking for a Tarot reader.

    • Several months earlier, my fiancé had surprised me with my first Tarot deck and I hadn’t put it down since. It was always on me, and I was always giving readings away for free.

All these coincidences seemed to align right away, and I began working at Silver Vixen. Nearly two years later, I can see clearly that I gained so much more than a job, I gained a family.

All this happened because of Source. I couldn’t have manifested these perfect synchronicities even if I had every AI at my disposal. Call upon Source God to restore your Divine Intuition and to fill you up with Love and Light. This is my recipe for success, and it hasn’t failed me yet. Even when times are difficult, scary, or even painful, I know my connection to Source is unbreakable. Knowing this not only gives me hope, but it gives me peace.


Now, to wrap up this thought series, let’s talk about The Parasite in action.

All my life, I have been surrounded by idiots.

Okay, maybe not idiots. But unaware people, or aware people who pretend to be unaware.

That’s harsh but it’s what I feel, often, when people go on about the horrors of politics and world affairs. In my experience, this happens most often in church, but it bleeds out to affect the rest of our communities and population at large. 

Allow me to explain myself.

Within religious groups, particularly Christianity, evil is said to be somewhere else–not in God’s house– The Church. Within political groups, evil is said to be in the opposite party, not them. Within the USA, war, or evil, happens somewhere else, not here.

It is a widespread belief to assume evil is elsewhere, but that has not been my experience. 

  • In my personal experience, evil, The Parasite, is as close to you and your loved ones as your intuition will tolerate.

  • Evil has never been far away from me.

  • Evil has always been right in front of my face, disguised as something or someone familiar.

  • Evil has not been an abstract concept to protect myself from later.

  • Evil has been nearby and bit me many times.

  • Even when I am careful, The Parasite still strikes me.

It has been maddening to feel the effects of an evil presence and have everyone around me deny its very existence, from the sheer fear that they want it to be somewhere else, far away from them.

It is not far away. It is right next to you, all the time, waiting to take advantage of you in a weak moment. Once it has you, it becomes harder to fight The Parasite. It’s not impossible though, and don’t believe for one moment that The Parasite is stronger than you, because that is only a poisonous thought it feeds you to siphon off your delicious fear.

Be strong. Tell it to fuck off. Reclaim your power. Reclaim your mind.

Healers like myself can assist you with this process, and we can work at a pace that is comfortable for you. You are not alone. You are a part of a magnificent, cosmic art piece, and your life, voice, and influence is dearly precious.

But seriously, The Parasite is everywhere and likely all over you and your loved ones. Don’t be so naive to assume it’s only somewhere you’re not.


A common question I heard growing up in church that I have come to realize many people share, is “If God is so powerful, why does evil exist?”

Fair question. Inside the church, it is hard to grasp that an all-powerful, all-loving God would allow such evil to persist in the world.

From a shamanic perspective, if Source is so powerful, why does The Parasite exist?

The truth is, it doesn’t.

From a shamanic perspective, there are two core beliefs:
1.) All are one
2.) Because all are one, we are already connected to everything we need.

This in mind, The Parasite only exists because we allow it to. If we choose to kill The Parasite, so it is. If we doubt we can kill The Parasite, we cannot.

You can free yourself from The Parasite through any number of shamanic traditions. You can also read The Four Agreements to learn more about these practices you can do at home. Or, you can book with me, and I’ll teach you to remember how to kill it yourself.

The only caveat is that you can only kill your parasite, not someone else’s. But, on the bright side, if humanity recenters itself through nature and attains harmony, The Parasite will die collectively and we as a people will be enlightened.

Imagine the possibilities of what we could create if we were able to heal our collective consciousness.

Shaman Esen


Alchemy According to A.I.