Healing Looks Good On You

Enhance your spiritual gifts and abilities by taking the next step on your healing journey through shamanic initiation.

Reclaiming Witchcraft

As the popular song says, WITCH stands for a Woman In Total Control of Herself. As far as I’m concerned, witchcraft is intention setting and it’s found in every major religion and culture. Yet, for some, strange, suspicious reason, there seems to be a stigma around the words “witch” and “witchcraft.” It’s almost like the patriarchy just doesn’t like free thinking women who study religion, philosophy, spirituality, science, government, healthcare, and ethics. Oh wait, yeah…they don’t.

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Ten Second Clues

  • The Witch's Wound

    Think back to the Salem Witch Trials and the Satanic Panic… Don’t you think it’s odd that a society based on government, proof, numbers and facts would succumb to such odd fear-mongering? It turns out, when you speak out against the patriarchy, government, and organized religion, those in authority don’t take kindly to your free-speech, so they have to come up with creative ways to silence their competition, like burning free-thinking women at the stake, and calling all free-thinking women witches, or whores, depending on which shames the women more. How about, instead of having any fear over the occult, we embrace spirutality and science as one in the same, and try to advance both subjects with similar research and dedication.

  • The Sister Wound

    Building upon the WItch’s Wound, the Sister Wound comes from the generational trauma that came about when sisters started to turn upon their fellow sisters for being “witches.” It turns out that the best way to not be considered a free-thinking women was to point the finger at another more-free-thinking-woman than you, so you could safely stay inside your patriarchal system. Not nice, sis.

    Instead of shaming, blaming, or attacking our fellow sisters, imagine a world where we sisters embrace each other. Imagine a sister you come home to after a long day, and you tell her all the sorrows of the day and she somehow makes you laugh despite all of it. You can be that sister.

  • The Mother Wound

    Again, building upon the Witch’s Wound, the Mother Wound comes from mothers rejecting their daughters for being “witches” or not being around for their daughters because they were “witches”. This hole left a gaping wound for all women throughout history because mothers were not allowed to nurture and raise their daughters properly, and we are still feeling the affects of this loss even 100s of years later.

    The impact of the Mother Wound affects us all. Imagine your mother, and then her mother, and then her mother. Imagine all the legacy that is held within your DNA. The way a mother interacts with her children affects not only her children, but her grand children and great grand children and so forth. There’s a lot to think about and generational trauma to unlearn.

  • WahWah Hippie Shit

    How come when a woman repeats it, it’s called an “old wives tale” but when a man repeats it, it’s called “philosophy and religion?”

    Seriously, history has shown us that humans are relatively dysfunctional, and unless there’s a clarified plan that unites the people, it’s hard to enact any kind of change. Complicate that with the lack of faith people feel in their governmental systems to carry out the voted upon change, and you we have ourselves a good ol’ fashioned mess.

    Here’s what I can tell you, as someone who has had ~a lot~ of hatred in her heart, that she has had to heal from….The more separated we are, the more easily manipulated we are. We have to see past our differences to get the job done.

  • Heroes Need Healing Too

    I offer 10% off all my services to professionals of the following:

    -Active Military & Veterans|

    -Current first responders

    -Current Healthcare & Mental Health professionals

    -Educational Professionals

  • Death

    I am a friend of Grief, and they know me well,
    They come often to visit me,
    When I am alone or when I pierce the veil.

    I sit alone in silence with Grief,
    I let the coldness set in.
    It’s just a little falling leaf,

    A dead, solemn song,
    When Grief comes to visit me,
    Something we heard all along.

    Do not be afraid, little friend,
    I will sit with you.
    It will all be okay in the end.

    Do not be afraid, little friend,
    I know Grief is scary,
    But Grief too is a loyal companion.